How to Determine the Usefulness of WRB Analysis

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Here you will find screenshots and/or links to the trade performance of TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader) from the daily price action trade performance of the private and public threads along with users of WRB Analysis public info (simulator & real money).

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How to Determine the Usefulness of WRB Analysis

Post by wrbtrader »

The following consist of what most of our clients are doing to determine the usefulness of the Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 – 12 with their trade signal strategy via the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide because the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide is the foundation for the Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 – 12.

Reality about a trader, you should be doing the below to determine the usefulness of any trade signal strategy or the usefulness of any other price action analysis that someone else is sharing with you:

Image 1) Traders compare the backtest results of their trade signal strategy without WRB Zones from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide versus the backtest results of their trade signal strategy with WRB Zones from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

Image 2) Traders simulate trade their trade signal strategy without WRB Zones from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide versus the simulator trading of their trade signal strategy with WRB Zones from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

Image 3) Traders that are more into the quantitative statistical analysis will take a deeper look into the performance of their trading on the simulator/real money of their trade signal strategy via comparing the statistical analysis results of their trade signal strategy without WRB Zones from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide versus the quantitative statistical analysis of their trade signal strategy with WRB Zones from the WRB Analysis Study Guide via using a professional trade journal software via either,,,,,,,,,, custom excel or other programs regardless if they're trading on a simulator or with real money.

The results of doing any or all of the above to determine the usefulness of anything involving trading including WRB Analysis is that you’ll develop a better understanding of your trade signal strategy and the same for the price action analysis that you’re trading within. Just as important, you'll have your due diligence about a price action analysis with your trade signal strategy.

In addition, members are posting DOKs for us to help them ensure they are learning WRB Analysis Free Study Guide properly and members are posting redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform so that we can verify that they are applying the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide properly regardless to what trade signal strategy they may be using.

Note: Timestamps of trade fills in broker trade execution platform are critical. Without the timestamps and information by the trader on how they're using WRB Analysis...we can not determine what the trader is doing correctly or wrong with WRB Analysis. Simply, the trader must keep detailed stats of the trades (e.g. timeframe, timestamp, entry/exit price, position size, WRB Analysis).

This is occurring in members private trade journals and private threads of the free TSL Support Forum @
Reminder, you can do any of the above via incorporating WRB Analysis into your trade entry signal strategy, initial stop/loss protection management/trail stop management, profit targets, trend analysis via the strong continuation price action definitions, or range analysis via the swing point price action definitions.
Simply, some members only use WRB Analysis to improve their profit targets. Some members only use WRB Analysis in their trade entry signal strategy, some users only use WRB Analysis in their initial stop/loss management/trail stop management, some users only use WRB Analysis in their trend analysis or range analysis…

While others use WRB Analysis to help them in their trend reversal trading via the swing point price action definitions.

Others use WRB Analysis in many of the above trade areas that we as traders tend to have problems with and then use specific key concepts from WRB Analysis to improve the performance in our trading in those particular areas of trading.

This is the purpose of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide…to give you a peek into the usefulness of the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 4 – 12 price action analysis or the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies. The WRB Analysis Free Study Guide along with the Verification of Trade Performance is your due diligence.

Unfortunately, many traders are not willing to do the above work to determine the usefulness of WRB Analysis. Instead, they take the easy route via wanting to see the Trade Performance of TheStrategyLab or the Trade Performance of our members...ignoring they will not be able to trade like wrbtrader or trade like anyone else in the world of trading the financial markets.

Verification of Price Action Trade Performance @

Yet, even with all of the above that correlated with the trades posted in the free chat room, there’s no guarantee mainly because market conditions change every year and traders change how they interact with the markets every year. That’s the reality of trading. The key is your trade signal strategy that you bring to the table to use with WRB Analysis.

Simply, WRB Analysis will be useless to you if you have no trade signal strategy. Therefore, do not waste your time trying to learn/apply WRB Analysis until you have your own trade signal strategy to determine the merits of WRB Analysis.


Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Online user name wrbtrader (more info about me) @ &
TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading (no indicators)
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
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Phone: +1 224 307-4434
TheStrategyLab Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002
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