Forum Log-In Problems

This is the free TSL Support Forum for traders that are learning the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...the foundation of WRB Analysis.

This specific thread Forum Use Help Center is for questions about the navigation of this forum. For example, use this thread if you need help (you have a question) about how to upload a chart, how to post a message, having difficulties in downloading the WRB Analysis free study guide or you want to notify me that some days you're having log-in problems.

Also, there are instructions about log-in problems and what to do.

Do not post questions about the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide in this section because those types of questions must be posted @ (located in the free resources section below if you scroll further down)

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Forum Log-In Problems

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

You Forgot Your Password (help) @

For traders that forgot their username or forgot their email address...resulting in not being able to recover their'll need to create a new account and then repost new verification of learning/application info for the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to regain access to the TSL Support exceptions.
Yet, if you're a fee-based client and a member of the private fee-based not join this free TSL Support Forum about your log-in problems. Instead, please send wrbtrader an email with your username, link to your private thread /or files from your private thread plus any purchase confirmation from PayPal or TheStrategyLab.
In contrast, if you're a member of the old free TSL Support Forum...please join this new TSL Support Forum, and if you never posted your verification DOKs to verify your understanding of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide or never posted your redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify your application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with your trade signal strategy...

You're required to post your verification of learning/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide within several days after your membership has been approved to the new TSL Support exceptions. In fact, users of the free TSL Support Forum (free users only), we'll only create a private thread for you AFTER you've posted your DOKs to verify your understanding of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

You can then post your redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform in your private thread to verify application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with your trade signal strategy.

M.A. Perry

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