TheStrategyLab WRB Analysis Price Action Analysis Free Study Guide (version 2.5)
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Price Action Trading .pdf / .doc
This thread contains
free access to the WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2 and 3 study guide along with being the location for you to post questions about the tutorial chapters contents involving WRBs, WRB Hidden GAPs,
key market events (KMEs), or KME WRB Zones
after reading the free study guide. In addition, this section is for posting "demonstration of knowledge (DOK)" to qualify for access to other free resources (e.g. ##TheStrategyLab chat room, FVB basic trade signal strategy).
These tutorials are
not trade signals nor do they mentor you as a trader. They are designed to improve your
understanding of the price action you're trading prior to the appearance of whatever trade signal strategy you're using regardless of you're day trading, swing trading, or position trading. Further, the tutorials can improve your trade strategies performance by merging the tutorials into your trade signal strategy. Yet, most users of WRB Analysis are using its price action analysis & trade strategy concepts to design their own trade signal strategies...discretionary, mechanical, or proprietary systems.

What if you're not able to do your own quantitative statistical analysis ???
We strongly recommend that you use
professional trade journal services that will do the statistical analysis for you -,,,,,,,,, or create your own via excel like spreadsheet.
Your Key Responsibilities: 1) You must have a trade signal strategy.
2) You must have a quantitative statistical analysis of your own trade signal strategy...backtest, simulator, or real money trade performance
prior to using WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
3) You must verify your learning (understanding), and verify the application of WRB Analysis Free Study Guide by posting DOKs and redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform...
no exceptions.
If you do not do the above responsibilities, you will
not be able to determine the merits of WRB Analysis, you will
not be allowed access to our education resources nor will you be allowed to purchase our fee-based resources (purchase qualification since 2014).
Updates: The new WRB Analysis Free Study Guide 2022 v2.6 has recent price action charts, corrections, and updates to the old 2014 v2.5 free study guide version. The new version is currently
only available to traders that have an active trade journal with screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in broker trade execution platform here in our private thread section
or you can just wait for the release of the new version later in the year.
Hashtags: #wrbanalysis #wrbzone #wrbhiddengap #volatility #priceaction