Also, we have a new private trade journal section (as of March 2018). It's for members to post their trades (paper, simulator, real money) or market analysis (no trades) in a private safe journal environment. Thus, the trade journal section is well moderated. Your trade journal can be via any trade strategy method that's intuition, rule base, automated, program but it must be using key concepts from WRB Analysis.
Your trade journal can only be set up as private (only you can see it) and then after two months of journaling...you can then invite other traders to join TheStrategyLab so that they can request access to your private trade journal (only you and your trading friends can view your private trade journal).
In addition, you should use a professional trade journal software for the quantitative statistical analysis of your trading in combo with your broker statements. This is critical because broker statements alone will fall short in providing you with critical information about your trading.
Many users here in the private trade journals are using either tradebench.com, edgewonk.com, tradervue.com, tradingdiarypro.com, stocktickr.com, tradingdiary.pro, tradersync.com, antsignals.com, trademetria.com, custom excel or other programs regardless if they're trading on a simulator or with real money.
Contract us to set up your private trade journal or private thread.
Note: You're responsible for any costs associated with your professional trade journal software. Also, contact them for any technical issues...do not contact us for such.
@ Members Trade Journals @ Members Private Threads