Performance Record / Trade History / Track Record (Price Action Trade Journal)

(click on image or below image link to view trades in daily Broker Trade Execution Platform & Free Chat Room)

TheStrategyLab redacted screenshot (above/left) of timestamp trade fills in my broker trade execution platform is from the archive chat logs @

Hashtags: #wrbtrader #thestrategylab #wrbzone #wrbanalysis #priceaction #EconomicCalendar #volatilityanalysis


This is wrbtrader (M.A. Perry) private trade journal after moving the trade journal from the public section of the forum in July 2018...trades via the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters, and the Volatility Trading Report (VTR).

@ wrbtrader Private Trade Journal

In contrast, the public trade journal 2005 -July 2018 is viewable to anyone and it contains daily screenshots of trade fills in my broker trade execution platform.

@ Archives of Public Trade Journal before July 2018

In addition, below is a list of subforums where members of TheStrategyLab posted their verification of trade performance using the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with their trade signal strategy...public broker statement archives, and current private trade journals/threads.

In fact, we will create a private thread (for your eyes only) for you to verify your application (redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform) of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

This info is never shared with anyone without your permission because your privacy is always #1 at

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  • TheStrategyLab Members' Private Trade Journals & Private Threads

    TSL members who want to merge WRB Analysis with their trade strategies without revealing their methods to the public can request a private trade journal / private thread. Guest visitors, drive-by curiosity seekers, and members can not see the private trade journals / private threads of other members for security & privacy reasons.

    Simply, members can only see their own private trade journal/private thread and they can not see the private journals/threads of other members unless they are invited.

    Thus, the private section of the forum is well moderated to prevent copying of other members trade methods, and verification of trade performance information...your private trade journal is for your eyes only. Further, your private trade journal/private thread can be via any trade strategy method that's intuition, rule base, automated, indicators, price action only but you must be using key concepts from WRB Analysis merged with your trade strategy.

    By the way, the free chat room is only used as a supplement journal to add to a private trade journal because it contains critical information that's missing from one trade to the next trade...critical information that you will not find in your broker statements.

    (click on image or below image link to view trades in daily Broker Trade Execution Platform & Free Chat Room)

    TheStrategyLab redacted screenshot (above/left) of timestamp trade fills in my broker trade execution platform is from the archive chat logs @


    The private trade journal section is for members to post their trades (paper, simulator, real money, redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform, broker statements, quantitative statistical analysis from a professional trade journal software) and market analysis in a private safe journal environment.

    Also, a trade journal can only be set up as private (only you can see it) and then after two months of can then invite other traders to join TheStrategyLab so that they can request access to your private trade journal (only you and your trading friends can view your private trade journal).

    In addition, you should use a professional trade journal software for the quantitative statistical analysis of your trading in combo with your broker statements. This is critical because broker statements alone will fall short in providing you with critical information about your trading.

    Many users here in the private trade journals are using either,,,,,,,,, custom excel or other programs regardless if they're trading on a simulator or with real money.

    Contract us to set up your private trade journal or private thread.

    Note: You're responsible for any costs associated with your professional trade journal software. Also, contact them for any technical not contact us for such.

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