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Demonstration of Knowledge (D.O.K.) Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Chart Examples

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 12:24 am
by wrbtrader
Image Verification of Learning (Understanding) WRB Analysis Free Study Guide

Demonstration of Knowledge (DOK)
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis)
TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading (no technical indicators)
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The purpose here is to help ensure that traders using our WRB Analysis Tutorials and/or trade signal strategies (free or fee-base) are learning and applying properly the key concepts along with participating in the Questions & Answers threads so that other traders can further their own learning experience via reading the "demonstration of knowledge" (DOKs) posted by others. In addition, if you have questions, one of the keys to learning any key concept is for you to post chart examples with your charts, post charts and post charts to ensure there's no misunderstanding and a useful (educational) learning experience.
As of March 2022, we only allow new members to join the TSL Support Forum when they have DOKs and redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform ready to be posted here at the forum when their membership application has been approved. In fact, we will email the potential new member to verify that the member is ready to post their verification of learning/applying the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...they then have 72hrs (three days) to post the verification information after we approve their membership.
Simply, you must do the work in determining the merits of WRB Analysis Free Study Guide prior to becoming a member of TheStrategyLab. That's your responsibility and your due exceptions.

Further, always remember that WRB Analysis is not a trade signal strategy. Instead, it's a price action analysis that works with your trade signal strategy. Simply, you must have a trade signal strategy to use with the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Thus, if you do not have a trade signal strategy...WRB Analysis will be useless to you and there will not be any way for you to determine the merits of WRB Analysis.
Your "demonstration of knowledge" (DOKs) must teach the readers of your DOKs about WRB, Key Market Events (KME), WRB Hidden GAP (WRB HG), First WRB HG, Volatility Contraction (VC or CV), WRB Zone, RANGE or any other price action definitions associated with a particular tutorial chapter and trade signal strategy as if the reader does not know anything about WRB Analysis. Therefore, you must annotate (label) the price action intervals in your DOK charts with those descriptive words as shown in the chart examples below that represent DOKs of other clients.
Reminder - My trade performance involves part science, part psychology, part art and those using TheStrategyLab trade methodology only have access to the part science aspect that consist of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters and many different trade signal strategies. To be up front, I do not believe you can be a profitable trader via technical analysis (science) alone and nothing else. Therefore, to share with you our WRB Analysis Free Study Guide is only a piece of the puzzle to my trading although it is your starting point.
If your DOK charts contain private or proprietary info that you don't want others to see, it's OK to post your DOKs within your private thread. Yet, you must request to have a private thread here at the TSL Support Forum whereas fee-base clients are automatically given private threads at our other forums that are for fee-base clients only.
In addition, posted DOKs will qualify you for access to new trading tips associated with current market conditions involving the price action of whatever it is that your trading.

Image Forum participation via two types of Message Posts

Image Post your questions and chart about the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Remember should already be keeping statistical analysis of your own trade performance prior to learning/applying the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide for proper comparison to determine the merits of WRB Analysis.

Image Demonstration of Knowledge (required)

First of all, questions within your DOK will disqualify your message post as a DOK. Simply, we'll respond via editing your subject title via removing the DOK word and replacing it with the title of your question. Therefore, if you have not title it as a DOK. Instead, post your questions as a different message post instead of including them within any DOK message post.

Image Demonstration of Knowledge Requirements for Chapters 1, 2 and 3

Image Show a minimum of one chart example for each basic tutorial chapter that's annotated with arrows or lines pointing to the key components that were discussed in the tutorial chapter as shown in the below chart examples.

In addition, your message post must contain a brief commentary by you that quotes the price action definition from the tutorial along with a brief commentary to explain the price action on your chart example. For example, if the WRB Zone is caused by "swing point definition #1", you must specifically say that on your chart or in your message post commentary that its via "swing point definition #1". Another option is to just post the exact quote of "swing point definition #1". Simply, if you just say it's a WRB Zone (although valid) without explaining what price action definition you've used to arrive at that is not a "demonstration of knowledge" (DOK).

Therefore, you are teaching the tutorial to readers of your demonstration of knowledge...pretending that the readers don't know anything about the price action and are reading your message post to learn about that price action via the specific price action definition you've explained.

Image Examples of Demonstration of Knowledge by Clients

The below charts were copied from descriptive message posts of DOKs that were posted by traders using the WRB Analysis basic tutorial chapters prior to them learning the advanced tutorial chapters. Thus, I'm only showing below the charts instead of the entire descriptive message post that was called a DOK by the trader. Simply, these charts represent the minimum of what you should be doing in your own DOKs. Also, the demonstration of knowledge (DOK) and redacted statement of trade fills in your broker trade execution platform are requirements for gaining access to the free Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade signal strategy.
A trick that some WRB Analysis users do in their DOKs for tutorial chapter 1 is that when they post a chart that requires "too much" annotation of WRBs and WRB Hidden GAPs or WRB Zones...they intentionally just post a chart that shows fewer intervals or shows a small duration of time via increasing the interval width.
For example, compare the charts in tutorial chapter 1 versus tutorial chapter 2. You'll notice the charts in tutorial chapter 1 contain LESS intervals due to "increasing the width of the intervals" in comparison to the charts in tutorial chapter 2. That's intentional to reduce the amount of work (annotations) I had to do for the chart examples in tutorial chapter 1 involving WRBs and WRB Hidden GAPs. In contrast, in tutorial chapter 2 there are only a few WRB Hidden GAPs that qualify as WRB Zones in those charts. Thus, I was able to show more intervals in those particular charts because those charts were about WRB Zones and not WRBs or WRB Hidden GAPs that didn't qualify as WRB Zones.

Reminder, the chart examples below are by free users or fee-based clients. Just as important, these are DOK charts that I copied from the DOK message post that often contained additional (useful) info in the subject text involving WRB Analysis shown on the chart for that particular trading day. One day, I may go back and search for the links to the message post and then repost the link below each chart shown below.

Image Basic Tutorial Chapter 1 DOKs
DOK by Nopac: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-1-WRB-WRB-Hidden-GAP
DOK by Nopac: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-1-WRB-WRB-Hidden-GAP

Image Basic Tutorial Chapter 2 DOKs
DOK by kirbykl: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Fed-Related-Key-Market-Events
DOK by kirbykl: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Fed-Related-Key-Market-Events
DOK by North: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Swing-Point-Definition-1
DOK by North: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Swing-Point-Definition-1
DOK by ???: tutorial-chapter-2-bullish-swing-point-2
DOK by ???: tutorial-chapter-2-bullish-swing-point-2

DOK by Nopac: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Swing-Point-1-Strong-Continuation-Definition-1-2
DOK by Nopac: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Swing-Point-1-Strong-Continuation-Definition-1-2
DOK by Tigerman: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-1
DOK by Tigerman: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-1
DOK by Tigerman: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-2
DOK by Tigerman: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-2

DOK by North: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-2
DOK by North: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-2

DOK by Nopac: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-1-2
DOK by Nopac: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-2-Strong-Continuation-Definition-1-2

Image Basic Tutorial Chapter 3 DOKs
DOK by kirbykl: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-3-Pattern-Signal-First-WRB-Hidden-GAP
DOK by kirbykl: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-3-Pattern-Signal-First-WRB-Hidden-GAP
DOK by kirbykl: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-3-Pattern-Signal-RANGE
DOK by kirbykl: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-3-Pattern-Signal-RANGE

DOK by Yayo: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-3
DOK by Yayo: DOK-WRB-Tutorial-Chapter-3

Image Why are we making the Demonstration of Knowledge (DOK) a requirement to Verify Understanding of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide as a Gateway into Any of our Resources ?

First of all, DOKs encourage users of WRB Analysis to begin their due diligence into the merits of WRB Analysis. Secondly, in the past and prior to the DOK requirement, we had too many users of the WRB Analysis tell us they understood the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...the foundation of WRB Analysis. Later, I would learn that they knew very little about the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide as they struggle to understand the basic key concepts like WRB interval, WRB Hidden Gap interval, key market events, strong continuation WRB Zone and swing point WRB Zone. In fact, I begin to realize I was spending too much time and energy with these types of traders...resulting in educating them about the price action concepts of WRB Analysis.

Years later, I would add another required verification for due diligence...redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform as verification of the application of the WRB Analysis Free Study with your trade signal strategy.

Simply, verification of learning (understanding) and application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide is a gateway into many of TheStrategyLab resources. Further, the demonstration of knowledge (DOK) and redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform is a benefit for you and allows us to provide better support by only working with traders with a sincere interest in learning WRB Analysis and ensures the self-serve nature of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

Just as importantly, it ensures you understand the key concepts involved in the tutorial chapters and it prepares you to move forward if you decide to purchase our advance fee-based WRB Analysis or the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies.

Last of all, whenever you have questions related to any information posted here at the forum, old forum, chat room et cetera, you must post your question (do not email them to me) within the designated threads here at the TSL Support Forum. However, if your question contains private or confidential can email me or request a private thread to post your confidential questions so that its for our eyes only in which no other member will have access to the info.

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis)
Price Action Only Trading (no indicators)
Image@ and

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Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002