February 2nd Thursday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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February 2nd Thursday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[09:26:25] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[09:26:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:32:46] <TigerBoy___> gm all
[09:32:55] <TigerBoy___> we are @ S KEY area
[09:33:06] <TigerBoy___> just did a mistake with my charts
[09:42:01] <TigerBoy___> YM on its own sell off
[09:43:23] <TigerBoy___> LG mES @ 4162.75 large ++
[09:44:05] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 4168.25 +5.5
[09:44:44] <TigerBoy___> I did lot of mistakes ... just post last long after some messy shorts
[09:45:00] <TigerBoy___> simply choppy market hanging around this area
[09:53:53] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 4161.25 small
[09:54:06] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 4164.25 -3
[09:54:11] <TigerBoy___> too late entry
[09:54:22] <TigerBoy___> got too low price x a short
[09:56:09] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 4163.25 medium
[09:56:23] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 4161.25 +2
[09:56:29] <TigerBoy___> early exit
[10:06:06] <TigerBoy___> ok I exit here
[10:06:13] <TigerBoy___> take care all see next time

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